11. Linear models with a single factor explanatory variable having three or more levels (One-way analysis of variance)#


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11.1. Example with a 5-level explanatory factor variable#

The explanatory factor variable was group, with five levels:

  • G1 males living alone,

  • G2 males living with one interested female,

  • G3 males living with eight interested females,

  • G4 males living with one uninterested female, and

  • G5 males living with eight uninterested females.

Let us take a look at the data:

Fruitfly.df <- read.csv("../data/Fruitfly.csv", header = T)
Fruitfly.df$group <- factor(Fruitfly.df$group)
boxplot(days ~ group, data = Fruitfly.df, ylab = "Longevity (days)")

As seen in previous chapters that involved categorical explanatory variables, our model specification uses indicator variables. In this case:

\[ \text{days}=\beta_0+\beta_1\times\mathtt{D2}+\beta_2\times\mathtt{D3}+\beta_3\times\mathtt{D4}+\beta_4\times\mathtt{D5}+\epsilon \]
Fruitfly.fit <- lm(days ~ group, data = Fruitfly.df)
plot(Fruitfly.fit, which = 1)
_images/92da878faa8b7e9e244a58553bcdfc836b0d805a14613c0d6d0d86ffa91f9799.png _images/7fe2285a5562d473a41e5376db31ef7934993a57ee658c28fe3a7cc1cdc4c3c3.png _images/73eed8471f358985a633f44eef2fe6915f8d8f0f1754a95b771b84cb35adde31.png

We can trust the fitted model. What can we conclude?

A anova: 2 × 5
DfSum SqMean SqF valuePr(>F)
group 411939.282984.820013.611953.515622e-09
Residuals12026313.52 219.2793 NA NA

11.2. Interpreting the output#

lm(formula = days ~ group, data = Fruitfly.df)

   Min     1Q Median     3Q    Max 
-35.76  -8.76   0.20  11.20  32.44 

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)   63.560      2.962  21.461  < 2e-16 ***
groupG2        1.240      4.188   0.296    0.768    
groupG3       -0.200      4.188  -0.048    0.962    
groupG4       -6.800      4.188  -1.624    0.107    
groupG5      -24.840      4.188  -5.931 2.98e-08 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 14.81 on 120 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.3121,	Adjusted R-squared:  0.2892 
F-statistic: 13.61 on 4 and 120 DF,  p-value: 3.516e-09

Some researchers like to examine the group means and their deviations from the overall (or so-called“grand”) mean. 一些研究人员喜欢检查群体平均数及其与总体(或所谓的“大”)平均数的偏差。These deviations are commonly called group “effects”.

grand.mean <- mean(Fruitfly.df$days)

The estimated group means are just the sample means within each group. 7 We can quickly obtain these using the incredibly useful dplyr package:估计组意味着只是在每组样本均值。我们可以快速获得这些使用非常有用的包:

Df <- Fruitfly.df |>
    group_by(group) |>
    summarize(group.mean = mean(days)) |>
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The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':

    filter, lag

The following objects are masked from 'package:base':

    intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

The estimated group means are:

Df$group.mean - grand.mean
  1. 63.56
  2. 64.8
  3. 63.36
  4. 56.76
  5. 38.72
  1. 6.12
  2. 7.36
  3. 5.92
  4. -0.68
  5. -18.72

11.3. The multiple comparisons problem#

The following R code fits a simple linear regression model to iid (independent and identically distributed) normal data.

x <- 1:30 ## Our explanatory variable
y <- rnorm(30) ## y has NO relationship with x
summary(lm(y ~ x))$coef ## Print only the coefficient table
A matrix: 2 × 4 of type dbl
EstimateStd. Errort valuePr(>|t|)
x 0.020538230.02139403 0.95999850.3452731

如果多次运行此代码,会发现大约5%的时间斜率会满足 p-value < 0.05。

Let’s get simultaneous 95% confidence intervals for all 10 comparisons via the pairs and emmeans functions of the package.

Fruitfly.pairs = pairs(emmeans(Fruitfly.fit, ~group, infer = T))
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"程辑包'emmeans'是用R版本4.2.3 来建造的"
 contrast estimate   SE  df t.ratio p.value
 G1 - G2     -1.24 4.19 120  -0.296  0.9983
 G1 - G3      0.20 4.19 120   0.048  1.0000
 G1 - G4      6.80 4.19 120   1.624  0.4854
 G1 - G5     24.84 4.19 120   5.931  <.0001
 G2 - G3      1.44 4.19 120   0.344  0.9970
 G2 - G4      8.04 4.19 120   1.920  0.3127
 G2 - G5     26.08 4.19 120   6.227  <.0001
 G3 - G4      6.60 4.19 120   1.576  0.5158
 G3 - G5     24.64 4.19 120   5.883  <.0001
 G4 - G5     18.04 4.19 120   4.307  0.0003

P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 5 estimates